International Conference “Breads of the future: genomics, genetics, breeding” (devoted to 125 years of Federal research center “Vavilov all-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources” – VIR)
St. Petersburg, June 20-21, 2019
Associated conference within Vavilov Society of Genetisists and Breeders (VSGB) International congress (St. Petersburg, June 18-22, 2019)
International conference “Breads of the future: genomics, genetics, breeding” devoted to 125 years of VIR is aimed at integration of Russian and international studies in investigation, mobilization and use of genetic resources of the key cereal crops (wheat, triticale, ray, barley, oat) to solve the issue of global food security. The Conference is co-organised by the Federal research center “All-Russian institute of plant genetic resources, named after N.I.Vavilov” (VIR) and Vavilov Society of Genetisists and Breeders (VSGB) with support from the Wheat Initiative ( and Russian Fund for Basic Research. Conference will be held in St.Petersburg on June 20-21, 2019 in association with Vavilov Society of Genetisists and Breeders (VSGB) International congress (St. Petersburg, June 18-22, 2019)
Working language: English with simultaneous translation of the sessions into Russian
International program committee:
- Elena Khlestkina, VIR director, Russia – co-chair
- Peter Langridge, University Adelaide, Australia, Speaker the Wheat Initiative – co-chair
- Igor Loskutov, VIR, Russia – co-chair
- , Acad. Lyudmila Bespalova, National grain centre, Russia
- , Acad. Olga Afanasenko, VIZR, Russia
- Andreas Bӧrner, IPK, Germany, Vice President EUCARPIA
- Frank Ordon, JKI, Germany
- Viktor Korzun, KWS SAAT SE, Germany
- Hans Braun, Global Wheat Programm, CIMMYT Mexico
- Luigi Cativelli, CREA, Italy
- Thomas Miedaner, University of Hohenheim, Germany
- Etienne Paux, Genetics, INRA, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Conxita Royo – Lleida, Spain
- Mark Sorrells, Cornell University, USA
- Dr. Erlan Turuspekov, Kazakhstan
- Xueyong Zhang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, China
- Eugeny Zuev, VIR, Russia
- Aleksei Zavarzin, VIR, Russia (secretary)
Local organizing committee
- Igor Loskutov, VIR, Russia – chair
- Aleksei Zavarzin, VIR deputy director, Russia
- Olga Mitrofanova, VIR, Russia
- Eugeny Zuev, VIR, Russia
- Olga Lyapunova, VIR, Russia
- Snezhana Miftakhova, VIR, Russia
- Ksenia Strygina, VIR, Russia
- Aleksander Gnutikov, VIR, Russia
Conference Program
Detailed technical information about the Congress as well as recommendations regarding accommodation and brief information regarding the area of the venue can be found on the Congress web-site
The conference is supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research – RFBR.
Looking forward to see you as participants of the Conference “Breads of the future”!
Local Organising Committee